Wearable display that can view text messages, guide you to your next destination, watch TV, play video games and much more? Microvision has been researching and developing wearable displays for nearly fifteen years. The development of the eye wear display (Nomad) has been primarily for the United States military. However, since the release of the PicoP Display Engine and ShowWX, there has been no information on their progress.
Microvision Eyewear Presentation 2009
Microvision on their website states that along with business partners, they are in the process of developing see-through personal Color Eyewear. However, in the past few years there has been no updates from Microvision as to the progress they have made. Based on the recent articles and pictures presented, Microvision seems to be still working on the mobile eye wear display project, however, they are being very quiet about it.
Microvision Eyewear Presentation 2009
Microvision Color Eyewear Development Program
Microvision EyeWear Presentation 2009